wäre, dann wohl hier. Wer in der Urner Bergwelt unterwegsist, kann auf ein dicht gewobenes Netz an gut markiertenund hervorragend unterhaltenen Wanderwegen vertrauen.Die Suche nach neuen Routen kann man sich also in derPraxis sparen.Da bleibt Zeit, sich auf anderes zu konzentrieren.Zum Beispiel über die Natur zu staunen, die noch in dieentlegensten Felsritzen ihr Grün streut. Und dann gibtes noch den wohl schönsten Moment bei einer Bergwanderung.Man sitzt im Gras, der Gipfel ist erklommen,der Abstieg geschafft, die Wegstrecke liegt hinter einem.Der Blick schweift der Bergkette entlang. Und wenn manGlück hat, erklingt von Weitem der Betruf in den lauenAbend. Ruhe und Freude. Zufriedenheit. Das findet manso nur in den Bergen.Die Abgeschiedenheit der Bergwelt, so erstrebenswertsie ist, so weit weg scheint sie. Das kann täuschen, dennsie ist näher, als man denkt. Vom Hauptbahnhof Zürichbis zur Talstation der Luftseilbahn Golzern in Bristen beispielsweisebenötigen ÖV-Benutzerinnen und -Benutzerweniger als 2 Stunden.One can accuse the canton of Uriof many things, but a lack of mountainsis certainly not one of them.No matter how travellers approachUri, they are greeted by mountains.If you choose the most elegant way,on a steamboat across Lake Lucerne,the rock faces seem to grow out ofthe water. And even on all other approaches,whether over a pass orthrough a tunnel, encounters withmountains cannot be avoided. Theyhave gathered around Uri, the mightyboulders, and formed an almost insurmountablering. They stand closetogether, like party guests, united ina rock festival.But one should not be put off bythe first impression. The mountainsof Uri have splendour in store foreveryone. Routes and natural beautyabound, so you hardly know where tostart exploring. Why not discover themountain canton from the south onthe Urschner Höhenweg and enjoythe view over the impressive valley?A hut tour in the Göscheneralp underthe watchful eye of the Dammastock,at 3630 metres the highest peak inUri, would also be tempting. You canalso venture to the perhaps mostimposing appearance of Uri’s mountainfamily, the Bristenstock. At 3073metres, it doesn’t break any altituderecords, but it nevertheless greets theReuss valley as a striking pyramid andgives the impression that there is nogetting past it.What words could describe theSchächen valley mountains? In someplaces it seems as if they have notbeen completely finished or have beencarpentered together from chunks ofstone as if by chance. But when theevening sun sends its rays throughthe valley, a kind of sublimity creepsin that is only known from longinglydreamed landscapes in the Wild West.Being on the road in the mountainsmeans freedom, step by steptowards heaven. And there is alsotime to concentrate on other things.For example, to marvel at nature,which scatters its green even in themost remote cracks in the rocks. Oryou sit in the grass, the summit hasbeen scaled, the descent completed.If you are lucky, you can hear thecall to prayer from afar in the warmevening. This kind of satisfaction canonly be found in the mountains. Theseclusion of the mountain world, asdesirable as it is, seems so far away.This can be deceptive, because it iscloser than you think. From Zurichmain station to the valley station ofthe Golzern aerial cableway in Bristen,for example, public transport usersneed less than 2 hours.26TitelstoryURNERLAND
27 Schweizerische Südostbahn AGURNERLAND